Residential   Land   Commercial   Industrial
Over $40 Million in Property Sold
Buying or selling property today requires local knowledge & guidance, and a Real Estate professional that can provide you with both. We have the expertise to help you navigate today's Real Estate market, and provide you a traditional, full service approach. 
As an experienced Residential Broker, buying and selling homes & investment properties, we can help you negotiate the extensive and intricate contract, negotiation, and escrow process. As an experienced Land Broker, we know the unique nuances of buying and selling land and commercial properties as well. 
We are a family owned and operated company, so you can always count on talking to "your" REALTOR®, not someone's assistant or secretary. You have complete access to two REALTORS® who know your account, discuss your progress, and monitor your transaction - TWO for the price of one!
With over 25 years of Real Estate, Escrow, and Building experience, there is no one more qualified to help you buy or sell & make your dreams a reality. 
Let us put our experience to work for you.

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Contact Us
Tom Lindley, Jr.   CA DRE#01866276
Owner-Agent        909-229-2110
M. Michelle Lindley    CA DRE#01162085
Owner-Broker             951-218-1373
P.O. Box 1, Upland, CA
Serving Rancho Cucamonga, Upland, and our surrounding communities